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  • Problem Solving

  • Team Player

  • User Experience Mindset

  • Time Management

  • Continuous Learning

  • Unity and C#

  • Unreal Engine and C++

  • 2D and 3D Geometry

  • Mathematical Concepts

  • Multilingual: English, German, French, Luxembourgish


2023 - Present

Goldsmiths University of London | MSc Computer Games Programming

In my ongoing Master's program, I have enhanced my understanding of game development and programming. This has involved acquiring additional expertise in the design and implementation of game mechanics, along with an expansion of my familiarity with various tools in the field.

2020 - 2023

Goldsmiths University of London | Bachelor's Degree in Games Programming

Throughout my Bachelor's program, I laid the foundation for my programming skills and cultivated experience in diverse programming languages, such as C# and C++. Courses in game development and design ignited my passion, inspiring me to pursue a career as a gameplay programmer.

Work Experience


Dispatcher at Creos S.A. in Luxembourg

In my prior professional role, I was part of the surveillance team responsible for monitoring the electric grid in Luxembourg. Operating around the clock, our task was to vigilantly observe the grid and respond promptly to any outages. This demanded robust analytical skills to identify the root cause of disruptions and engage in effective problem-solving to restore power to as many people as possible.

Collaboration was key, as I coordinated with on-field technicians to ensure the establishment of secure working environments during both emergency situations and planned maintenance activities.

Other Experience


Living in Japan

I secured unpaid leave to fulfill a long-cherished dream of residing in Japan. During this time, I lived in Yokohama and enrolled in a language school to learn Japanese. This experience allowed me to forge friendships with individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultivating adaptability in unfamiliar situations and honing my ability to navigate uncharted territories with confidence.

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