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Mr. Trampoline's Dance Mix

This mobile game, developed in Unity, stands as the culmination of my undergraduate degree at Goldsmiths University. Originating from a design challenge, I orchestrated the creation of this game by collaborating with a skilled artist and sound designer. Together, we crafted a coherent gaming experience.



During my second year of undergraduate studies, I undertook the development of this project as a WebGL build in Unity. The primary objective was to foster collaboration among fellow students, aiming to cultivate the skills necessary for team-based game development. This endeavour allowed us to navigate diverse perspectives and opinions, contributing to a valuable learning experience.


Blue Drifter - Sokpop Imitation

Embarking on my master's program, this project served as an initial undertaking. A notable challenge was imposed: utilizing only Unity tools without external assets. This endeavour prompted my foray into 3D modelling using the Pro Builder package, significantly broadening my capabilities for subsequent projects.

Additionally, to sharpen my programming focus, the task involved emulating a game from Sokpop. While this alleviated the need to conceptualize an entirely new game, it compelled me to enhance my analytical skills. Identifying and implementing the crucial aspects of the original game became a key aspect of this enriching experience.

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